Terceiro episódio da trilogia Millenium, esse terceiro filme é o que possui menos ação dos três, mas em compensação consegue amarrar a trama iniciada no segundo e termina com um julgamento daqueles que nos faz vibrar no sofá.
Eu já tinha assistido há alguns anos mas esqueci de postar aqui no blog. Como revi ontem, resolvi agora publicar a resenha.
Lisbeth (Noomi Rapace) está no hospital internada, recuperando-se do intenso tiroteio do final do filme anterior, e num quarto no mesmo andar também está seu pai, Zalachenko (Georgi Staykov), também ferido na ocasião. Enquanto se recupera, Lisbeth também começa a elaborar sua biografia e com a ajuda de Mikael Blomkvist da Revista Millenium, coleta uma série dedocumentos para provar sua inocência sobre os assassinatos de seu tutor legal e de outras duas pessoas.
O filme pega fogo mesmo quando vamos descobrindo quem está por trás dos crimes e também quando a advogada de defesa de Lisbeth, Annika (Annika Hallin) apresenta o video do estupro de Lisbeth e outros documentos que incriminam o medico Teleborian (Anders Ahlbom).
A trilogia é sensacional, mas apenas o primeiro filme (Os Homens que Não Amavam As mulheres) foi exibido aqui no Brasil. O segundo eu consegui baixar na internet (a Menina Que Brincava com Fogo) com legendas em português e esse terceiro, também na internet, consegui com legendas em inglês (lembro que a trilogia é sueca).
Vale muito a pena conferir!
Last episode of Millenium trilogy, "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest", is the third movie and contains less action of the three, but manages to tie the plot started in second and ends with a trial of those who makes us vibrate on the couch.
I had already watched a few years ago but forgot to post here on the blog. As I reviewed it yesterday, I now publish the review.
Lisbeth (Noomi Rapace) lies in a hospital in the facility, recovering from intense shooting at the end of the previous film, and in a room on the same floor is also her father, Zalachenko (Georgi Staykov), also injured at that time. While recovering, Lisbeth also begins to develop her biography and with the help of Mikael Blomkvist from the magazine Millennium, collects a series of documents to prove her innocence over the murder of her legal guardian and two other people.
I had already watched a few years ago but forgot to post here on the blog. As I reviewed it yesterday, I now publish the review.
Lisbeth (Noomi Rapace) lies in a hospital in the facility, recovering from intense shooting at the end of the previous film, and in a room on the same floor is also her father, Zalachenko (Georgi Staykov), also injured at that time. While recovering, Lisbeth also begins to develop her biography and with the help of Mikael Blomkvist from the magazine Millennium, collects a series of documents to prove her innocence over the murder of her legal guardian and two other people.
The movie edge is when we discover who is behind the crimes and also when the defense attorney of Lisbeth, Annika (Annika Hallin) presents the video of the rape of Lisbeth and other documents implicating the doctor Teleborian (Anders Ahlbom).
The trilogy is sensational, but only the first film (The men who Loved women) was screened here in Brazil. The second I managed to download on the internet (The girl who played with fire) with subtitles in Portuguese, and that third, also on internet, managed with English subtitles (remember that the trilogy is Swedish).
Well worth checking out!
The trilogy is sensational, but only the first film (The men who Loved women) was screened here in Brazil. The second I managed to download on the internet (The girl who played with fire) with subtitles in Portuguese, and that third, also on internet, managed with English subtitles (remember that the trilogy is Swedish).
Well worth checking out!
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